EZ Stain Partners

We have developed a strong network of EZ Stain Partners over the past 5 years or so. Primarily, these strategic partners include concrete renovation companies, contractors, builders, associations and other folks that are involved in the concrete industry. Our network expands many geographic regions throughout the United States and Mexico.

If you are interested in becoming one of our EZ Stain Partners please reach out to us. Keep reading for some of the benefits of joining EZ Stain Partners.

Marketing Partners

As a strategic marketing partner, we help other businesses to share their products, services and location with potential customers. This can save both of us money on our marketing efforts and get the right information about our businesses in front of the right people. Marketing projects can include sharing back links, listing each other as partners, working together on content for blogs, or making introductions to other people that can help grow the business. The most valuable outcome is perhaps referrals for clients that require services that each of us do not provide on our own.

Supply Chain Partners

Costs are what drive our strategic supply chain partnerships. There are times where we have supplies or products that can be utilized in different applications and we are happy to work with businesses to adapt them to the needs of our partners to save them on costs. Also, with manufacturing and all of the machinery required, we are happy to discuss partnering on the creation of new products when quality and price allow.

Technology Partners

We have significant experience in many IT areas and are always willing to help our partners with setting their digital footprint and teaching them how to utilize easy and cost-effective programs to get their operations running smoothly. Generally, we discount our services on marketing and operations IT for partners that utilize our products to help with a successful flow of business.